Cindy Hyde-Smith (R - MS) Definitely Yes 2018 election seat



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5 Statements
(Statements last updated October 6, 2018 04:02 PM -04:00.)

October 3: I continue to believe Judge Kavanaugh deserves to be confirmed based on his impeccable qualifications. The issue of sexual assault and harassment should be taken seriously, and the Senate has done so. I’ve heard from Mississippians who are upset that Senate Democrats have used unproven allegations to drag Judge Kavanaugh and his family through the mud. While I certainly believe both the accuser and the accused should always be treated with respect, I think the reaction to President Trump pointing out significant inconsistencies in the attacks on Judge Kavanaugh simply reflects a deep frustration with how this process has been politicized. (

September 26: It seems opponents of Judge Kavanaugh are engaged in character assassination to destroy the reputation of a devoted public servant and a loving husband and father. I, for one, will not stand by and watch it happen. (Twitter)

September 26: It is time to bring Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to a vote on the floor of the United States Senate. He has earned my support. (Twitter)

July 25: I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Judge Kavanaugh. His qualifications are excellent, and he has a genuine concern for our country, and for upholding the Constitution and rule of law. I firmly believe the President made a great decision in nominating Judge Kavanaugh. I’m excited about his nomination, and look forward to supporting him and being an advocate for his confirmation. Mississippians will be proud to have him serve on the Court. (

July 9: I believe Judge Kavanaugh is a well-qualified conservative jurist, and I commend President Trump for his commitment to naming Supreme Court justices who are committed to the rule of law. I appreciate the significance of my responsibility to weigh the qualifications of the nominee, including his dedication to the Constitution and the fair interpretation of our laws. I look forward to being part of this important process. (


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