David Perdue (R - GA) Definitely Yes
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October 3: DP: I do, Hugh. I believe that we’ve done everything we can from Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Judiciary all the way down to this latest FBI investigation. We’ve done everything they’ve asked for. There is absolutely no corroborating evidence. As a matter of fact, the Democrats say well, this is just a he said, she said, and we have to decide who’s telling the truth. No, it’s more than that, because she brought corroborating witnesses, three, who could not corroborate her story. But they did actually corroborate his story. So I believe that we will get 51 votes later this week. (HughHewitt.com)
July 10: Judge Kavanaugh has an outstanding career. I am excited by his nomination. This is the second nomination that President Trump has made for the United States Supreme Court. We all know, both Democrats and Republicans, what a great addition Neil Gorsuch was to the United States Supreme Court. I think Brett Kavanaugh is of the same ilk, and I think he will make the same sort of Justice – the type of Justice that supports and defends the Constitution of the United States...Now, the other side will tell you all bad things about this individual, just like they did with Neil Gorsuch. I’m here to tell you, we need to take politics out of this equation. This is about the future of our country. This is about an individual with an outstanding, objective, and independent record of defending and upholding the Constitution of the United States. I could not be more excited about a nominee than I am about Brett Kavanaugh. (senate.gov)
July 9: President Trump has again fulfilled his promise to the American people and put forward an outstanding nominee to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Throughout his remarkable legal career, Brett Kavanaugh has shown a commitment to upholding our country’s Constitution. These principles are the bedrock of our nation and have made the United States exceptional since its founding. Judge Kavanaugh has an impressive academic and legal background...Judge Kavanaugh understands the long-lasting impact Supreme Court decisions have on our nation, and I look forward to meeting with him soon. (senate.gov)