Tim Scott (R - SC) Definitely Yes



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3 Statements
(Statements last updated October 6, 2018 04:02 PM -04:00.)

July 25: Approving a Supreme Court nominee is one of the most vital responsibilities of the United States Senate. Ensuring the confirmation of a fair and balanced jurist whom is committed to the rule of law is of the utmost importance. After reviewing his record over the past few weeks, and in meeting with Judge Brett Kavanaugh today, I am certain that he is devoted to these principles and will serve as a fantastic addition to the Supreme Court. He is truly what a 21st century conservative looks like, and I look forward to voting for him this fall. (senate.gov)

July 20: Those freedoms, he said, will be protected by the Supreme Court if Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nomination to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, is confirmed. “Our nation will have a firewall in the Supreme Court that I believe will be there, by God’s grace, to protect the freedoms as our nation battles for the next decade or so (over) what should be the DNA of America,” Scott said. (The Gazette)

July 9: Now, more than ever, we need a Supreme Court Justice that will uphold free speech, religious liberty, and the rights given by the Constitution. Judge Kavanaugh has an impressive resume, and I look forward to meeting him and learning more about him through the confirmation process (senate.gov)


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